Take advantage of our FREE 10X business assessment to Uncover your business commitment level.
Needed To Succeed!
Take advantage of our FREE 10X business assessment to Uncover your business commitment level Needed To Succeed!
10X Certified Elite Coach, Speaker & Mentor
Trained by the renowned Grant Cardone, Marie empowers her clients to unleash their full potential.
Certified Public
Accountant (CPA)
Marie's financial expertise ensures you have a seasoned professional guiding your financial journey.
Marie has penned two insightful books, "The Complete Guide to Business Growth" and "A Business Owner's Guide to Operational Accounting."
Our Founder & CEO
Ms. Torossian has over 12 years of experience in the private and public accounting sectors.
An experienced Auditor and a CFO, she knows that financial analysis is key to business growth. Armed with that knowledge, she launched her consulting services in 2016.
Her goal is to help entrepreneurs and small businesses grow and scale their businesses using her proprietary VALUEATION-MT® methodology!
10X Certified Elite Coach, Speaker & Mentor
Trained by the renowned Grant Cardone, Marie empowers her clients to unleash their full potential.
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Marie's financial expertise ensures you have a seasoned professional guiding your financial journey.
Marie has penned two insightful books, "The Complete Guide to Business Growth" and "A Business Owner's Guide to Operational Accounting."
Our Founder & CEO
Ms. Torossian has over 12 years of experience in the private and public accounting sectors.
An experienced Auditor and a CFO, she knows that financial analysis is key to business growth. Armed with that knowledge, she launched her consulting services in 2016.
Her goal is to help entrepreneurs and small businesses grow and scale their businesses using her proprietary VALUEATION-MT® methodology!